Find your way

The liminal space is an opportunity to pause at the threshold

As a human being in transition, you deserve care, attention, and support. Someone to accompany you through the process and make sure you have all the information and skills you need.

 And importantly, what that looks like needs to be directed by YOU. As the expert on your body and your experience, you deserve to be in the driver's seat when it comes to your well-being.

 You deserve to be accepted completely and fully for where you are at. Because there is nothing in you that is broken or needs to be “fixed.”

 You deserve to take up space. To set the boundaries you need to thrive in order to support change and growth.

 All this and more are what Somatic Consultations are designed to do. To help you not only celebrate and honor where you’re at, but also to feel more vibrancy and joy as you step through to what’s on the other side.

Blooming Datura - Cottonwood, AZ

Here’s what tends to happen, instead 

People navigating transition stages can feel stuck, alone, and unsure of how to best take care of themselves.

Because of this, the in between space doesn’t often feel sacred. It can feel scary and confusing.

Culturally, many rites of passage have been erased, and with them the knowledge and skills needed to fully support our transformation.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

It’s time to take back our experience of transition. To hold sacred space for all the beauty and mess that exists there, and to reclaim the tools we need to navigate these moments gracefully.

What do I mean by “in transition?”

Any space where we are moving from the known into the unknown – when we are trying to embrace a new way of being or usher in a new experience.

Examples of transitions are:

  • Career changes

  • Shifts in relationships

  • Working with grief

  • Physical changes

    • Pregnancy, menopause, becoming a parent, aging, health conditions, etc.

  • A feeling of being stuck or lost

As diverse as these experiences are, they all share two things in common:

  • They are incredibly trying experiences, made more challenging by a lack of cultural acknowledgment and support AND

  • The ability to be greatly eased – and even made joyful – by somatic work. 

Blue Vervain

 A different approach

Here’s how Somatic Consultations are different from what you’ve tried so far:

 Somatic consultations are a joyful co-creation of me as a skilled practitioner and you as the expert of your own body and experiences.

They are a container giving you the space you need to become more in tune with yourself and your needs. Where we can follow the trails of your unease back to their root causes. When we honor ourselves and our experiences, that’s when we can find our way out of the woods.

That’s when I can show you ALL the tools – drawing from both tradition and science –  that can help you specifically. And then YOU can choose the most aligned ones to smooth out the road ahead of you.

In short, they’re a 100% customized, full-body experience where you will be not just seen and heard but BELIEVED. Where you can tell your whole story and receive exactly the support you need. With no judgment, no gaslighting, and no bulldozing.

Apens Flagstaff fall season