The liminal space you are in is sacred and should be honored

Through this work, you can emerge on the other side even stronger than when you entered.

It is a human right for you to have access to this information and these skills.

Are you ready to try something new? Something that actually is very old, written into your DNA as a human and shaped to exactly fit your unique body and soul?

You’ll come away from our work together with an improvement in your overall well-being, so that you can more fully enjoy this moment in your life. And the knowledge that you are honoring your body fully during this sacred moment, and meeting your deep human need for a proper rite of passage.

This isn’t just individual healing work. This is collective healing work. By honoring your whole body’s needs during this time, you are re-creating a culture that honors transition and all the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs that accompany it.

Click below to say YES to this moment and book a free, no strings attached, Get-to-Know-You call


I help people navigate moments of transition from a powerful, joyful, embodied place - so they can emerge stronger on the other side.

Because this time in your life is sacred and deserves to be honored.

I’ve spent years of my life studying a wide range of modalities, all in service of this vision. As a clinically trained herbalist, licensed massage therapist, yoga instructor, trauma-informed somatic bodywork practitioner, and more, I offer many approaches to well-being. These consultations are the culmination of all I have learned.

Clinical herbalist Amy C. Anderson w/ Datura